Trump’s always had issues with delivery on promises, through whatever avenue, agree. But this is now Trump with at least Bill Barr, apparently a sleeper fanatical, and both are in a very, very empowered, very bullish assault on almost everything standing in between Trump and actual dictatorship. The usual 5-4 Supreme court split has already likely managed to deflect Trump's tax records and other important issues of note until after the election. The thing about Barr is that, even though what he's done so far is mind-bendingly lapdoggish and intolerable (imo: Roger Stone, Mike Flynn, Mueller Report interpretation), it's what he could be prepared to do to help Trump stay in power. The same can be said of every GOP congressperson, really. Somehow the terrible ends justify the terrible means, and we're cranking terrible to 11. Obvz, I don't share your optimism, but to each their own. I hated the headliner pic selection, btw, with the hammer and sickle, which has (I think?) nothing to do with mainstream antifa symbols. Caption: “The antifa symbol can be seen on the shields, which can’t be seen”. No further comment, but not your fault.