1. Do you have or have you had the Coronavirus (COVID-19)? 4. Have you lost your job or been financially impacted by it?
2. Does someone you know have/had it? no
3. Do you know someone that has died from it? yes, we were in line for an international woman's day (March 8) event featuring activist and revolutionary, Angela Y. Davis when we were approached by a guy who hugged and shook hands with my guy saying, "You married us in Vancouver 15 years ago." 14-15 days later we find out he tested positive . . he said there were four bad days with flu symptoms but he was getting better. He was at an event with 500 peole. Toronto shut down around March 23.
no, but my cousin in Salem Mass has had a good friend die from it and two of her friends are sick.
cheques keep coming . . . so far.