even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, though, right? I mean - so much of their stuff is propaganda... it's tough to take much of the rest seriously.
Yeah people made mad fun of 'em for incorporating organ harvesting into their Shen Yun stuff And then the UN came out and said "well, there's more organs than listed donors so..." One of the most ironic things about all this coronavirus stuff is everyone is taking Chinese facts and statistics as gospel fucking truth when just three months ago we all knew 95% of it was purest bullshit.
look - I agree - the Chinese stats are NO WAY accurate. China will try to save face at every opportunity. on one end of the spectrum you have "The Chinese government is being transparent" and on the other end is "The Epoch Times is reporiting 23 million people missing and crematoriums burning 40,000 people per day". Somewhere in between them is the truth - and my bet is - we'll never really know.