Yeah, for real. It took me like a day to get a scratch in the crystal. They also have this cool looking but moronic design on the chronoscope buttons (if there's a technical term for them, I don't know it) where they're wide at the very end and very skinny on the shaft. This makes them get caught on your sleeve pretty much every time you move your arm. The thing I think I like about Breitling is that they're like driving a $50,000 pickup truck with leather interior. It says, "Yes I can do a lot, but will I? Probably not."
Polywatch is your friend. The shit is magical. EDITED to add that the Amazon reviews are fucking hilarious: there's like three guys in there using plastic polish on sapphire crystals and being disappointed in the results. Also the add includes a "yellow cloth" that is pretty obviously blue. But then, my polywatch tube is white while that one is gray so maybe it's like that damn dress.