Jorges Luis Borges Virginia Wolf All of French fairy-tales from the XVI Marguerite Yourcenar Basho Haiku's Beowulf The Mahabharatha Early Taoist Complete work Digest of All of Greek and Roman myths Digest of all world myths The Hypnotism by Chertok 3 history book (Templar, Malte and India ) all Jorges Luis Borges .. again (non poetry) The Golem By Meyrink (the only book I ever loved without knowing really why) Les nuits de Paris by Retif de la Bretonne (Superheros book in the 1700, or voyeuristic book, or document against the marquis de Sade. Apparently, there are no English translation, and you guys are missing on one of a kind fascinating book) 8 John Irving 3 Marcel Proust (I realize, I read but never bough all of them even though I consider him my second favorite author) 3 William S. Burrough My SF collection, My American favorite: Palahniuk , James Ellroy and B.E. Ellis (beside Ellroy, the others two disappointed me so much in their last book, I wont read them anymore) most of Amelie Nothomb 4 first Houellbecq (before his proud Islamophobia overtly made it to his fiction, rendering it nauseous) most of Lovecraft (at least his racism never made it in his work) Classic French author Roleplaying rulebooks (Ambre, D&D, Stormbringer...) Classic economical book (marx, pareto, keynes...) etc, etc... Since I left my parent house in 1998, the one thing that I always took with me were my books. On average That's was 1 move every 2 years (cross country, or in Germany) with 4 fully packed bookshelves that size (real pain in the back). Last year, I decided to rent my old place, and the tenant wanted the place in 2 day . And since I'm too poor to pay mover, too introvert to have friends help me, and I was on a 4th floor without lift, there was no way I could move all the books in 2 day. I'm really lazy too. So for the 1st time in 20 years, I decided to get ride of my book, and store them in the old basement, and only bring the one deemed worthy in my new place. But now, my flat feel empty, and I look more dumb! At least I have an Opium pipe :] TOP: Left are my "Pleiade" collection books (complete works) of
The Talmud Right, are my non fiction :
2 shelves in the middle are for music, because songs are books too, and for the opium pipe
So a lot is missing: Why so little?
My guest bedroom holds my Sci-Fi collection. Some stuff from childhood in there too. I only buy books that I am likely to reread. Authors include Steve Alten Bradbury Jim Butcher Alan Campbell Orson Scott Card Crichton Colfer Frank Herbert (And Herbert Jr.'s fan fiction) Brian Jacques Dean Koontz Tolkien Lovecraft And more.
Jim Butcher is such a good author. Love the Dresden files to death.
I just finished Crichton's Andromeda Strain which I thought was nice. I've read most books through Audible over the past five years or so, so I only get hardcopies of the selection out of that that I am most likely to refer back to. I don't really reread books ever, but I do leaf through them from time to time.
Pardon the image quality. Let's see then, left to right, top to bottom: My most played board games, plus a couple games I've recently acquired and don't know yet if they belong among my most played board games. Fantasy, sci-fi, and crime novels. Dungeons & Dragons supplies. More crime novels, plus a few misc books. Electronics. Office supplies. Financial papers and such belonging to the residents' association. Comics, comics. Comics, comics, comics, aaaand comics.
I moved recently and didn't bring books I thought I wouldn't reread (or hadn't read yet). So that's why it's kind of lacking in books. Also I try to use the library as much as possible. What I'm trying to say is "I read more than this I promise". As for the penguins... I just like penguins. I have some board-games, a few wii games, one of those thing to put papers in and tea. Because all of my tea can't fit in my tiny kitchen. I feel like the bookshelf represents me quite well actually.
I'm so incredibly jealous of your bookshelf! I'm living with my parents until I'm able to do things independently again, and all of my books (save for a few that I'm currently reading) are packed up in boxes. I would love to give them a home this nice!