So I'm reading a book from 2006 that has some charts from a french trade magazine that isn't in English but links to some watch advertising through the ages that includes some legit triggering stuff that I figured was from the '70s or some shit but no it's from last WEEK and the fact that nobody can even determine if Mariner Watch Company even exists is becoming more and more believable because what I see bloggers say and what I see industry people say are just about 90 degrees apart and I wouldn't even be doing this except that the Home Depot workbench that I ordered and which involves legit 18 pounds of unrecyclable EPS foam still has such a gimped-out corner that I need to take it back and wait for them to ship me another one so I end up surfing down a rabbit hole of trade press and emailing authors in Thailand and Paris on LinkedIn and lo and behold
- ‘You can buy a $200,000 watch that has Times New Roman on it — the most common typeface in the world,’’ said Jonathan Hoefler, founder of Hoefler & Co., a type foundry in New York. ‘‘That’s like showing up for a gala dinner in a T-shirt.’’
Dear reader, believe it.