a little background - a certain tranche of watchmakers absolutely loses their shit over George Daniels. He was the epitome of "traditional English watchmaking" and lived with a dozen Bentleys in his unibomber shack on the Isle of Man and was a dick to everyone to the point where the only person to say "I like what a dick you are, teach me your ways" became his apprentice, assumed his mantle and got a goddamn OBE out of it. The whole process was covered in an astonishingly pompous documentary narrated by, of course, John Rhys Davies.
This certain tranche was super-stoked that another spiffy Daniels watch went for a shit-ton of money, thereby proving their eugenic superiority to the Swiss. And then of course a Rolex stomped the shit out of their triumph by simple virtue of being owned by Paul Newman so they were sad. So now maybe they will be happy again. This is, after all, Jesus' personal cross.