- Huber said the stratocumulus tipping point helps explain the volatility that’s evident in the paleoclimate record. He thinks it might be one of many unknown instabilities in Earth’s climate. “Schneider and co-authors have cracked open Pandora’s box of potential climate surprises,” he said, adding that, as the mechanisms behind vanishing clouds become clear, “all of a sudden this enormous sensitivity that is apparent from past climates isn’t something that’s just in the past. It becomes a vision of the future.”
You seem to have linked to that before last night's escalation between India and Pakistan. Noice. Also, are you interested in a browser plug-in that replaces "albedo" with "libido"?
Yeah that India-Pakistan thing is interesting. There's a lot of speculation and not a lot of data. It seems to me that if either side really wanted this to continue there'd be a lot of data and very little speculation. Here's kinda what it looks like to me: PAKISTAN: ohhhh shit the hillbillies went kinetic INDIA: ohhhh shit the rednecks want blood - quick bomb something utterly inconsequential PAKISTAN: ohhhh shit the Indians bombed us but did a really shitty job INDIA: ohhhh shit pretend we bombed something consequential INDIA, PAKISTAN: points at clouds, whistles off-key