training for US police forces is not standardized across jurisdictions. it's not your fault but you're asking a question which cannot be answered essentially STOUGHTON: The short answer is no. There is no federal standard. Different states set different minimum requirements for officers. And then at the agency level, different agencies can adopt minimum training requirements as well.
While kleinbl00 is doing the lord’s work arguing in this thread, he fails to address this. The lack of a robust federal standard for training state and municipal law enforcement; meanwhile the media holds each cop to a standard of national public opinion. Racist white cops can be trained to not shoot black people without cause. I work with racists and degenerates every day that make better and better decisions as they’re provided training and education that can be regulated and enforced federally. It is not the failure of a racist cop for being racist with a gun in his hand, it is the failure of his government for allowing him to serve without being trained.