There are 4302 pictures in my "cats" folder, which is pictures of my cats. There are another 273 pictures in my "kitties" folder. Those are the especially cute pictures of my cats.
Do I spy Bruce Springsteen and the Street Band Live 75-85 in the background?
Yep! Being from the PNW I'd have figured you'd spot Sleater-Kinney's No Cities To Love first!
At the first sliver of morning light on the eastern horizon, the treetop planet croaks to life. This mass of shrieking marauders lifts up and atomizes again into x-shaped silhouettes, soaring to their daily hangouts all over the region—to the cities of Edmonds and Everett and Seattle. That’s right. The crows you see hopping around downtown, on Capitol Hill, and in surrounding neighborhoods roost in a restored wetland out in Bothell, northeast of Seattle. (Crows spotted in the southern parts of the city likely roost in Renton.) An estimated 12,000 wing into the Bothell wetland at dusk—their numbers visibly darkening the sky as they approach—and doze into the night. My sister's cat. I was lying on the ground and she came to be regal next to me.