...the writer is pulling your leg. It's kind of a lesser Landover Baptist.It's like "Green Eggs and Ham." Are they also racist on a train? Are they also racist on a plane? Nearly every day, the media write an article that reads, "White people are racist in [kind of place or circumstance]." This repeated emphasis whips up racial resentment and encourages violence against white people.
I refuse to believe this isn’t satire. Firstly, if “are” was actually the right word to use all those times it sounded stupid AF in this article than I honestly quit with this bullshit language. The media fucking IS. It was just a couple tiny little wars sheesh that’s nothing compared to being bullied in high school or rejected by a girl. We didn’t need the media for that, simply existing did the trick. Even if this is meant to be satire though way to many people are stupid enough to buy it. Also I’m pretty sure that the author are stupid. This encourages Muslims to be angry and commit acts of violence – though to be fair, some of them don't need much encouragement to begin with.
Women are constantly told that most men are rapists or harassers who don't respect them. Women are encouraged to turn against men and see rape in every dorm room and every janitor closet.
Yea, this site is not entertaining at all when it comes to "satire" or their articles. If you really want "satire" on this site, then head over to their cartoons section and there you see conservatives making political memes and drawings.