If it didn't work for Roseanne, then why the hell would Kessler would think it would work for him? At least try to be clever with a new excuse.
Ya know what the real sticker is here? Kessler used it last year, long before Roseanne. Roseanne, who almost exclusively follows alt-right and conspiracists on Twitter, and retweets the craziest of the crazy with abandon. So she was just adapting the Ambien defense from a fellow alt-righter who tried it before.
I’ll be honest, I did not know that. You learn something new everyday. But then again, I don’t really follow the alt-right too well and I’m not planning to. The last thing I need is to follow people who probably see me as an inferior due to being a minority.
Yea , UFO and Bigfoot conspiracies were a lot better and a lot more fun than Alex Jones’s conspiracy theories about globalists and pizzagate.