It's not so much a New Year's Resolution, but my impending 50th birthday this year, that has driven me to diet and exercise. I started, half-heartedly, in mid-December. I knew that the holidays would be full of wonderful food, drink, and laziness, so I mainly focused on controlling portion size, and getting more dog-walks in each day. And I lost 8 pounds! So I am an even 260 pounds today. By my 50th birthday I would like to be somewhere in the 220-230 range, and - most importantly - doing yoga regularly. The real underlying goal is to be more fit when I hit 50, so I can move into the second half of my life fitter, more energetic, and feeling better about my physical condition. I don't have a "weight loss goal", instead I have a "feeling better and healthier" goal. The Keto diet seems to be the right thing for my body - it's already responding well to it - and improving my flexibility, while reducing the load on my knees and ankles, are all Good Things.