- We keep rapidly alternating between blue skies and sunlit rain/hail. - sgeorge has some kombucha starting. It's a few days old. - I've got some sauerkraut going. Also a few days old. The pickles I made a few weeks ago have lost most of their too-aggressive dill edge. - So, now we're up to Sourdough, Beer, Pickles, and Kombucha on the home ferment front. - I discovered that it's possible to modify old Light and Motion mounts to be quick release! Not as smooth an action as the new model of mounts, but it works. Such a small change, but I'm really excited about it. Locking up is way less of a hassle now. Just remove the screw and trim back the rubber to roughly the bottom of the screw hole and the light can unsnap and slide out. - The library's copy of War and Peace still isn't available, so I just bought the same edition. Had to spend some time on wikipedia reacquainting myself with volume 1. - Kicking around the idea of setting up FreeNAS or TrueOS on a vps for remote file backups. It'd be a little expensive, but I shouldn't need too much space since RAW files are the bulk of my data at this point and I imagine they'll compress OK. - Which also got me thinking about setting up a VPN. - Started listening to Hardcore History. Content is interesting, wish the production was different. - My journal is on a bit of a hiatus. The scheme I was using was nice for keeping me organized when I used it, but required too much upkeep to actually keep me using it.