Super looking forward to it. How will you distribute?
so..... you're the artist and all... so forgive my unrequested input... please... for the love of all things decent in the universe.... don't touch cassettes. Like the fax machine, the audio cassette tape is a terrible technology that needs to die. There is nothing romantic about it. It has zero functional advantages over almost ANY other format. Oh please... don't sell your work short. /grumpyoldmanrantI'm going to have it printed to cassette and sell those
Oh, I fully acknowledge that it's a silly format. But luckily, it seems like most of the people who buy cassettes don't actually listen to them. I've done a run of 100 tapes before, and sold them all. I'm really only doing it because it's affordable to produce them (about $250 for 100), and people seem to like them. If anybody on earth still bought CDs anymore, I would print those instead because they're cheaper, but alas.