SHIT'S POPPIN' I have a temp job that fulfills almost all the requirements I was looking for last week - consistent schedule, paid breaks, near where I live, reasonable pay, and a place to sit, if I want to. It's warehouse work, and I'm pretty good at it. But more importantly, I got an interview for that job I really fucking wanted. The one over here, the one I thought I was unqualified for. I requested to be the first interview of the day, and they have about 10 other people they're considering for the job. I don't own a jacket. I don't own a white shirt - though I think I may make one tonight after work. I'm really nervous, but I feel good about the possibility of working a job that I both like and think is important. ---------- Also, the album is unfortunately not coming out on the 15th. Job hunting has been an all-consuming affair. Sometime this month, though. EDIT: Interview went well! They're doing a second set of interviews next week, should be hearing back this weekend about whether they want me to come in again.
I always give the same advice to people about to interview. Be passionate about what you've done and what you plan to do. No hiring manager has ever left an interview saying "that candidate just seemed too passionate." -within reason of course. No orgasms at the table. Good luck pal! Looking forward to the album too.
That's fantastic news! I love the sentiment of "I don't have a white shirt, so I guess I'll make one later."
Audiophiles are dicks. We started this new project, building up this vinyl record related website. Posted a video we made on our facebook page, and here's a comment we got: "You should maybe look up who I am and what I've done for 40 years and if you don't know that the arm needs to be angled by a few degrees instead of parallel to the plinth with some cartridges like Ortofon than you shouldn't be teaching people anything" Ignoring the fact he's actually wrong according to Ortofon's official website, how much of a self-absorbed dick do you have to be to talk this way about yourself? But I guess it's the flip-side to the fact we could potentially sell 10 000$ cables to these kind of people... The video actually did pretty well and is being shared around :) Happy about that! But I really have to figure out this lighting situation in my living room. Switching to LED lighbulbs made it look better, but the flicker actually got worse, especially if I move my camera around. Don't know if it's something in my camera settings I should fix, or if there's some better lightbulbs i should buy.
"Honestly, when the electrons pass through some of the more inhomogeneous parts of the atomic lattice on the way to my ears, my blood pressure just shoots right up."But I guess it's the flip-side to the fact we could potentially sell 10 000$ cables to these kind of people.
"All I'm asking for is that it's doped with 1part per quadrillion Titanium, Devac, it just does.. something absolutely magical... to the sound. It's only a 31-step electrolysis process anyway."
No, THAT's just one tip from my _NEW_ book on doping for Listening pleasure, "Hole-istic Hearing". You won't BELIEVE the olfactory engagement you can get with the technique listed on page 319! YOU CAN HEAR IT IN YOUR NOSE!!
Don't just do all this research for yourself, Devac. Do it Fermi.
Preach. Yeah you don't wanna do that. The clock speed on your CMOS is not slaved to anything unless you're shooting on something with a timecode input and the clock speed on your LEDs is not slaved to anything unless they say Kino Flo on the side. It might work sometimes? But the times it doesn't work it's going to not work really hard. Audiophiles are dicks.
Switching to LED lighbulbs made it look better, but the flicker actually got worse, especially if I move my camera around.
hahah i think i showed this writeup to all my audio-enclined friends. It's hilarious! urgh, i guess it's back to regular incandescent lightbulbs for me then, i think i'll find less yellowy ones and more powerful this time. Really trying to figure out this whole lighting situation without shelling out on a proper studio set up. There must be something i can screw into my chandelier that doesn't flicker and look like shit on video :(
There's nothing wrong with incandescents. If they look yellow that means you need to color balance. Shoot a white card and set that as your white point and suddenly everything will look fine. If you're trying to do this with practical lighting, those heinous yellowy torchiere bulb work lights will do just fine. You just need to set the color balance to match.
for sure - maybe it's asking too much but i don't want to color correct everything, i'd like to live in a space that's just always video-ready in case i want to film a 3 minute thing. my camera does a good job at white balancing most of the time too - i think the problem with my previous incandescents was that they just weren't bright enough. footage looked like shit even after all my efforts to color correct (but i'm no pro either). And they did produce some weird bands if I was at 24fps.
C'mon now. Color-balancing should be the first thing you do when you whip out the camera. It should take you under 30 seconds. And you should be color-balancing your productions the minute you're done with the edit. You know better to assume that you're going to get consistent lighting out of anything but an isolated studio environment. I work on a soundstage where the lights have literally been hung for eleven years. We still calibrate everything every month and color-balance the cameras every time we turn them on. Don't be lazy.
I feel like the fact that acoustics is an area that has some science behind it gives a certain kind of person the confidence to make bold and unwanted assertions regardless of whether they are actually welcome (or correct). Computing has its fair share of them too :|
Ah. I see. There is some prerequisite amount of bullshit you need to know before you can have any ideas. What a helpful gentleman! (And we all know he was a "he" simply because of his wording.) The world is full of asshole commenters, and only a handful of content creators. So there will always be asshole comments on EVERY bit of content. It's just numbers. Keep doing what you are doing, and NEVER respond to ANY comment like that. No matter how much you want to... it is what they live for. So JUST DON'T.
True! Audiophiles seem to be unique among enthusiasts of subjective things in their insistence on assigning them what they insist are objective ratings. And anyone who says "You should maybe look up who I am" isn't as important as they wish they were. You seem totally in control of all things video you do, but if there's anything vinyl or vintage vacuum tube (which some will call audiophile but being realistic isn't) I might be able to help with, let me know. My vinyl expertise is mostly limited to "these are the records I have and this is the turntable I have."Audiophiles are dicks.
My daughter was crying her eyes out far past her bedtime last night because I am traveling again today. Seems inefficient that we build careers and families at the same time. I did take a full day off, and the two of us spent it at the zoo and seeing the new Smurf movie. It was a blast. Also people get emails telling them when you've promoted them. Thanks, cgod.
Yesterday was the first time I felt a real disconnect from the work I'm doing compared to what a lot of our management feels is valuable. Note: My manager does not fall into this group, but it's nice to be shot down by half of management when they're the same people who come running to your department when they need something done immediately...reaffirming my desire to search for a new job after this calendar year. Next year is probably going to be a big move. Because of that, and the fact that my car is dying, I'm moving at the end of this month to save a bunch of money, and am buying a car (pretty focused on a Subaru Impreza or Honda Fit). More importantly, I've booked half of my first backcountry camping trip ever, up in Jasper and Banff National Parks. It's going to be a dirty week of camping and hiking above the treeline and I can't wait. Last night I went to an Outdoors Storytelling night at a local brewery, and the stories were amazing and had a lot of impact on the thoughts I've been having (spending more times outdoor, that spending maybe a bit too much money on this stuff is okay because of the fitness and experiences you get out of it, that holy shit I don't want to work for a large corporation for forever). wasoxygen, one of the folks told a story about the Fall Classic and how she finished last year. Maybe you and her will meet up this year!Life is either a great adventure or nothing.
- Helen Keller
I have a 2016 Impreza five door. So far so good. The AWD is everything I'd dreamed it would be. Banff is somewhere I dream of going. I hope you'll share some pictures and experiences here, because I'd love to see them. I'm heading east tomorrow myself for some day hikes. Friday weather is fantastic, but that might be it for the weekend. Rain is moving in Saturday afternoon, and while it's clearing up Sunday morning, soaked trails have some challenges. I'm at 31 of the 46 High Peaks.
AWD is basically a necessity in NY in the Winter. Glad to hear it's been good for you! Oh, there will be #tripreports...I do need to find some new hiking partners, though. All mine keep moving. Not sure if it's a PNW thing or Mid 20's to Early 30's thing. Which peaks are you doing this weekend?
My plan is Colvin and Blake on Friday. If it looks like rain is moving in early Saturday afternoon, I may head down to Lake George to hike some of the little peaks around the lake. I've never really had hiking partners. Maybe this summer I can work on finding them. The local MeetUp seems pretty good. It's a very broad group of people, and among them there must be one or two more who'd be eager to fly just to hike some specific trails.
Helen Keller had a way with words. I've never had a quote scrawled on whiteboard stop me in my tracks like I did seeing this one.So much has been given to me I have not time to ponder over that which has been denied.
Things on a personal level: pronoia. Things on a global level: paranoia. I'm gonna get good and then get after it. Thanks.
Thanks for the definition. I think i may be a bit pronoia too.
There's luck, good luck, and there's Hubski luck. Cheers to that! We're all trying to save the world. I think that's what brought us here.
I smell a sticker.There's luck, good luck, and there's Hubski luck.
Scratch and sniff? The scent shall be "progress", my favorite.
Ha ha OftenBen thanks for badgering me!! Note: I was actually quoting myself. I don't know if you were around when I posted the story about the universe conspiring in my favour, but that's where that line comes from. I am also a proanoid because I've noticed that sometimes, the universe steps up to help even when we don't ask it. I probably posted that story in hubski in 2013.
I call it momentum. You call it 'the universe rushing in to help.' Some people call it 'karma.' It's something I'm learning more and more about each day. I'm learning the difference between gratitude/contentment and mental/moral stagnation. Being sort-of okay with how things are does not preclude the possibility for change. In fact, being sort-of okay with how things are is in fact necessary to maintain sanity when trying to effect change.
I did a few things, sure, but I've been wrestling with deservedness. Many other people work just as hard as me. I'm gonna make damn sure I'm riding into battle for them every time I lift my pinky. That all sounds like hogwash, I know, but I'm good for it. Pinky swear.
Thank you all for the encouraging words last Pubski. I'm sincerely grateful to all the love that welled around me. It's been a remarkable turnaround in just seven days. Got a slew of A+s and an A on all my midterms last week. I spoke again with my ex after her and I broke things off and it was a supremely amicable and agreeable conversation. I know how to pick 'em. The house that I'm buying had a small snafu with documentation, so we postponed settlement to April 21. Everything's been resolved so now it's time for take two. I won't have much money for furnishings after settlement but that's OK because my best friend decided to room up with me. I'm getting more excited by the day. I'm drafting a lease for him and it's a little awkward but I know it's the best course of action. I got a coffee with my name on it. Here's to you, you beautiful kids.
Example: I made an agreement with husband #2 that he would pay for everything. All I had do was be "a ray of light shining in a dark place." He kept his part of the agreement, but I couldn't keep mine. I didn't know at the time that some darkness won't let the light in. If we were to renegotiate, I'd be more specific. Fortunately, that train (renegotiation) has left the station.I'm drafting a lease for him and it's a little awkward but I know it's the best course of action.
Yes, it is awkward, but also a good way to open a bigger converso, so do it. Then store it somewhere findable. Also offer to revisit it in three months after you've actually lived together a bit. You will discover you have different noise tolerances, different scheduling priorities, different mess tolerances. Word definitions will have changed.
Thankfully the friend is incredibly responsible. This is a good idea. I will say exactly this when I see him next. The lease comes in at three pages, there's language on common space cleanliness, terminating the lease early, quiet hours & guests, and payment procedures. I feel good. Having done property management as a side job, not to mention watching my parents both be landlords my whole life, this comes relatively easy to me.Also offer to revisit it in three months after you've actually lived together a bit.
Traveling. Always on a plane. I feel like a visitor in my children's lives. I'm not traveling at all next week, which is amazing.
I've been staring at this trying to think of words of encouragement that don't sound trite or fleeting... but I'm struggling. Kids are funny.. they know you love them. You show it often and well. Your recent travel headaches have compounded some of these feelings. What you're doing matters. You know how to keep balance. I'm glad you've got next week.
Thanks Steve. I miss them a ton. I'm trying to make the most of the time we have but there's inevitably a call to take etc. I have the weight of investors on my shoulders. It's a ton. Next week I am resolved to attempt more "balance." I signed up for a 10 mile race that is on April 22nd. The furthest I have run, in my training is 6 miles. I have 4 miles to make up in essentially a week. I'm fued. Ah well.
My group research project about the Hyperloop is finally coming to a close. I think we have something pretty good on our hands but it's hard to tell - at this stage, most of what's written seems just obvious. I had a good conversation with the head of department at my job last week. He was expecting me to quit because I'm starting my thesis soon, but I just want to put the job on hold until the end of the year. He repeatedly told me that I'm valued at the company and I am pretty sure that's something I can use as leverage once I graduate. Speaking of graduation, I should really start fleshing out my proposal but all the other things in my life take up enough time and energy that I'm finding it hard to even begin with something so big. I am spending this Easter weekend back at home with family and friends. Hopefully that will help.
My group research project about the Hyperloop is finally coming to a close.
Lots of confusion going on. One of my nurses is confused why I'm not at the hospital full time when I'm not on full time pay at the moment. I'm confused why she expects me to do a bunch of unpaid work, regardless of how much I believe in it. My Robust Pleasure Source's family is confused why a pair of 20 somethings might desire to live together when rent on single-person housing has never been higher, and proportional income has never been lower. I always hate argument by snowflake, but times are different from when they were starting their relationships. I don't have the ability to buy a house first. I don't have the ability to spend 2 years 'courting.' Things are mostly good. These are minor gripes.
I'm moving house I'm moving house I'm moving house I'm moving house New location is near Waterloo, walking distance from work (~25 min each way). Next block is a gym. Time to get fitter and happier. It's much more expensive than my old place but I can still afford it. This weekend is a four day weekend because of Easter. I don't have any plans. I'm going to be busy on Friday for a few hours moving my stuff but then I'm a free agent. Not quite sure what to do. Might stay in London and explore. EDIT: I have plans, I just forgot about them. Thanks calendar!
I just completed a major assignment at church. I am relieved beyond description. I just build a bunny run and am almost done with a rabbit hutch. My wife is happy. Work is.... I'm grateful for a job. I hate rabbits. I am going on a trip very soon. More later.
I'm not sick any more, and I hit all my deadlines last week while I was sick. Basically, I rock. I'm getting my garden shed/writer's retreat/workshop this month. Turns out building a nice one, and just buying one, kinda pencil out similarly in cost. And they can build/install it in a day. It would take me a month. Now I just gotta level the ground, and decide how comfortable I am ignoring the 5-foot setback. (Which, for those who don't know, is the amount of space that you need to leave open between any "permanent structure" and your property line.) Because, if I have a 10x12 shed set in the corner of my yard, that means that the 210 sq feet of space between my new shed and my fence is now rendered basically useless. And I'm not willing to lose that much of my back yard. So what if I make that a 3-foot setback? 2-foot? Hmmm... (In the long term, if I build it without the proper setbacks from the property line, it just makes the house harder to sell in the future. Which I don't care about, because my wife has already declared that she will be carried out of this house in a pine box. So fuck it... I'll put my shed wherever I want! It's not like I have kids or other family that will outlive me, so who cares if the shed is in the wrong place?) Gotta decide this week, though. And then get out there and start digging with a shovel so I can create a flat and level spot to plop the shed down on. Stuff to do...
No updates on this story: I've gone back a couple times to knock on the door. No answer. Sometimes I can hear someone sneaking around inside. But apparently there's no adults around. Also my car needs some TLC after my weekend trip last week. It's neeeded ignition coils for a while and now it REALLY needs them. It's also started dripping oil from the oil cooler unit. I'm not sure what I can do to fix it. The mechanic recommended replacing the whole part.
Caught the kid up on shots last week. Four at once. She's a trooper. Pediatrician hears a heart murmur. Time to go to Children's. Still's Murmur. Things they don't tell you: between 30 and 70% of kids will have a heart murmur at some point in their lives. So yay. No worrying about heart murmurs. Insurance will pay for allergy testing after the fourth birthday but not after the fifth. Describe symptoms to pediatrician. She prescribes an Epipen on the spot. We hold off until we can meet with the allergist. Allergist is a grim-ass place. They torture my daughter and then come back in fifteen minutes later and without any preamble decide we need to know how to use an epipen right fucking now. And they've got coupons! Yaaaaay! She had a cold this weekend. Kinda wheezy. She had a birthday party, too, in a brand-fucking-new house. She spends plenty of time in a brand-fucking-new birth center but I guess our contractors didn't, like, glue everything together or something because she had her first legit attack. Had to go home, get her inhaler and come back. First time that's happened. And there was every single parent, judging me. And it's like - this cough she has? She got it from your kids. And the reaction? I've got milk older than your house; this isn't usually a problem. And the last episode she had? That was you feeding her a peanut butter granola bar, not me; sorry she threw up in your car but it's not like we've made a secret out of this. So now our kid has gone from "might be allergic" to "bubble girl" and everybody loves to bring up this AMAZING! NEW! RESEARCH! to say "oh and by the way, you're a bad fucking parent because you didn't start experimental immunotherapy on your nine month old daughter" without understanding that you can tell a healthcare provider that peanuts give your 6-month-old shortness-of-breath and hives? but what they're going to tell you is that immune systems are immature, she'll probably grow out of it, and only a monster would test their children this early, they won't do it and besides insurance won't cover it anyway you horrible parent you. So. You can tell all these "concerned parents" that the study they saw on the Today show was thirty fucking seven children, that it was across the fucking country, and that the study didn't even start until your daughter was two but what kind of dick do you have to be to drag them through all that because they're just trying to help! And you can tell all these "concerned parents" that your wife the doctor is actually about to invest multiple thousands of dollars in order to provide oral immunotherapy for her patients and they'll stop you and say "...but you're not thinking of EXPERIMENTING on YOUR OWN DAUGHTER, are you?" And then you want to jab them with an EpiPen? But you're not going to do that because the fuckers are like $300 and besides, you haven't even filled the fucking prescription yet you monster and it's been two weeks call CPS NOW! Hell is other people's parents.
You know what makes everybody look like a bad parent ? Stupid slippery starfish snowsuits, why would they make those out of slippery material when you are supposed to hold on to the damn baby pretty good is my question. People generally mistake my niece for mine in public because well she easily could be. Anywho, people who judge other parents constantly on say facebook with their dumb "helpful" articles are always insecure and putting up a front.
It speaks to the power of biological and social imperatives that we're so concerned about what nearby humans think about us that it overrides our more objective understanding, which is that these nearby humans are stupid and uncharitable, making snap judgments they have no title to. But we still can't help but feel their shameful eyes. At least, I can't. Man, fuck those people.
Guys. Guys! I actually finished writing an early, shitty draft of the first chapter of hopefully-a-book about my walk last year. I've been tremendously slow at writing it, though it's only a few thousand words so far; it's dismaying to feel like every word you put down is manure. But this, at least, is a beginning. I hope to keep at it and make some serious progress over the next few months and maybe even get it published. Fingers-crossed. Before that I want to write up a big Hubski post about the journey. I'm only nearly a year late on that one. This comes as I and a close friend were discussing creative endeavours and the ideal use of time. He's currently spending pretty much every waking moment writing songs, with the goal of becoming a commerical songwriter. He chastised me a few weeks ago for my laziness, telling me that if I don't sit down and do the bloody thing it'll end up one of those things that just never get done. To be fair, now is the time to write it, though I'm fairly unsure at times as to why I actually want to. It just... I know that if I don't I'll really regret it and wish I had? Like the other things I wanted to write and just... didn't. It hangs in my mind asking to be done and won't leave me alone until I have. Most of the time I'm just super tired - I've been down at my sister's house a lot. Thankfully the painting phase is on hold because everything else has to be done before the final coat. This week we installed a new door and have been preparing the floors with insulation and the last bits of pipework. Next up are the underfloor heating pipes, and then the liquid concrete to get a nice smooth floor (but first a layer of plastic to stop the concrete from eroding the aluminium covering on the insulation). Then underlay and wood floors and tiling, and a couple of walls still to plaster, and the toilets and showers and the kitchen to fit, and the radiators, and the stairs to sand and varnish, and the outside of the house to clean and paint, then some things I've forgotten, and then it'll be finished and I probably won't know what to do with myself. Today I was behind the bar, though, which is actually kind of my only social outlet. Other than chatting to some people there I'm only exposed to family members, which is nice and all, but I miss my friends. I don't really have any friends in this town. It kinda sucks. I've regressed to being seventeen, I swear. I live with my mother, work part-time in a bar, work helping out my dad the rest of the time, and still can't drive a car, which is on the to-do list. I'm going to have to start thinking about my next move soon - can't live here forever. Recently I started reading The Tin Drum by Günter Grass. It was recommended to me years ago by a friend and I have to say I'm enjoying it so far - I didn't expect it to be so funny. In general I'm a bit behind with my reading, though. I haven't been making time for it lately. I did watch Rogue One the other day, though, which I actually didn't think was too bad. More unsurprising than anything. Now watching Casablanca for the first time. Set during World War II? Starring Humphrey Bogart? Looks promising.
Pretty peeved at my school right now. Found out yesterday that every single CS class is full, and found out again during advising that the only solution is to obsessive compulsive refresh the page over summer. I'm basically not progressing in my major next fall, and if this stays the same over spring it will be impossible to graduate on time what with the dependencies for classes. On the good news, got into the summer study abroad in Honk Kong! And in unrelated news, I'm contemplating a pretty big purchase of boardgames on craigslist.
I presented my research to my research group today, and people seemed to follow along and had some good comments for me! (I'm particularly happy about the following along part because there's a lot of abstract math involved...) Shine On You Crazy Diamond parts 6-9 feels kind of bittersweet to me. The album covers the arc of Pink Floyd's career; it starts with Shine On You Crazy Diamond parts 1-5. Parts 6-9 come at the end of the album, and while they are definitiely a contination of the same themes, they're also distinctly different from parts 1-5. It feels bittersweet because change is unavoidable; you'll never be the same person you were last year, nor will your relationships with others remain constant. However, people and relationships can change without losing their defining essence, I think. I'm not sure where I'm going with that, but thanks for listening to me ramble a bit.
Last night my sister and I made a deal. She'd help me get weed but then I had to go out to the bar with her. Last call here is 12:45 (or 1 if you're pushing it). We got to the bar at 12. I managed to put down three ref-style (heavy) doubles in that time, made a friend who taught me how to play a game called "Odds are," and in my first try I won the bar's bar game: throw a small metal ring (affixed via string to the ceiling) onto a nail in the wall and get it to hook. I felt such a success I gave my new friend, who'd given me one or two aiming pointers, a high-five. Then, in typical exuberant refugee fashion, I even jumped for joy. While I was mid-air my new friend, unthinkingly, swung a foot out and intercepted me. By the feel of it, intercepted my ankle, specifically. I went down! I can't remember a drunk wipeout since the summer of 2013 when I happy-houred too hard and got caught in the bike rack outside the next-door convenience store and landed on my back in very bright sunshine some time embarrassingly before 5 to be wasted. Thankfully, with a guy on either side of me, I was coming back up before I really felt the hit of the floor. My new friend also insisted, both to me and later to my sister, apparently, that he definitely kicked me and that it wasn't just the rum's fault I went down - maybe it wasn't even the rum's fault in majority. Then I tweeted something I thought was exceedingly clever and proceeded to send it to like, 15 people in my phone. (I'm looking at you, you know who you are.) Because I needed validation of how funny I am. Then I walked 1.5 hours on my bum ankle and finally found a caring place to crash in town, as was wise. My nights are rarely ever so epic as this and especially when they are Tuesdays. Sharing.
hey perhaps more importantly I GOT AN ETSY STORE OPEN AGAIN Got 9 listings up as of this AM but something like 5 additional book styles/covers need to be added before my total inventory's represented. What I'm saying is hit that F5 through the day and through tomorrow too and get me some pagevyaaas. Spend some money. Spam people with my link. And in May I'll have a vendor table at a little local art hall event one of the bars I like holds every month. That is far scarier than the Etsy shop, fwiw. But I'm committed. Eek.
FYI bookbinding is my family business. I know several professional bookbinders. It's not an easy skill to obtain practical advice and instruction in, so if you ever want me to put you in contact with anyone, I'd be happy to. Have no idea of this is something you're interested in, so just disregard if not. Tried to send this as PM but kept getting 502 error. Edit: just got a 502 here, as well, and it went through, so probably I blew up your​ inbox with the same message 4 times. Sorry!
I have a long rant here, but I spent the day instead fighting medical billing fuckery and fighting prescription drug interactions. The fields of Kenfuckey are all purple and green and spring has declared all out Armageddon on my allergies. I've officially entered "fuck everything" land. Thing is that over a long enough time span shit gets better.
Since jobs seem to be the focus of this Pubski, I am still trying not to think about mine. No future in it, no future anywhere else that I can see (at least not until I can start teaching full time). Basically, all I can say is that my job pays the bills and does not make society actively worse. Greek is continuing; starting to actually read the NT now, which is pretty dang awesome I have to say. A lot of the more obnoxious things I remember from studying Classical Greek are much less of an issue by the time of Koine, even if they do have a tendency to overuse certain prepositions (the dictionary entry for one of them is like 6+ two-column pages). There are some lovely turns of phrase, even if they weren't necessarily on the stylistic level of the great Attic orators from a few hundred years earlier. We're also just over a week away from the return of MST3K!
Allergies: I used to never have them. Saturday I did a bike ride + run. Park the car, bike 7.8 miles up the road, lock the bike to a park gate, run 7.8 miles back to the car, drive and pick up the bike. It was a tough run into the wind and more uphill than down. I walked some. But so far so good. The park is a local marsh. Leaving I drive through the marsh, and for the next 36 hours I can't stop blowing my nose and sneezing. Last night my cat had a dizzy spell. 2:30 AM she gets up and is wobbling. She almost fell off the bed until I got up and put her on the floor. She was wobbly for maybe half an hour before sleeping on the floor. She's fine now and purring peacefully on my lap. We'll get a checkup.