I'm really interested in fb advertising. The targeted-ness of it is appealing, but there's a bunch of things about the process I don't know about since I've never set one up myself. Do they need to be geographically based ("within x-miles of your business") or can I target worldwide based on whatever select criteria? Also how specific can I really get with the criteria? I'm also curious to see what people's success with it is.
As with most things it's pay-per-impression. If you're targeting across a wide geographic area, you can limit who it targets much more and still get a big number. Costs go up rapidly, though - I remember my wife ran a FB ad in Los Angeles where a 5-mile radius was gonna be a few hundred but a 10-mile radius was like $6k. Just looking now, Facebook will let me put together a "campaign" where I basically get distance, gender and age. That's it. But if I want to "advertise my website" it gives me interests... and if I say "crypto" it allows - Key (cryptography) - Cryptography - Cryptocurrency - RSA (Cryptosystem) - Bouncy Castle (Cryptography) - Cryptographic hash function - Almas (cryptozoology) - Cryptozoology (tv genre) Now - I reckon you could target an ad to Bouncy Castle crypto pretty much worldwide and not pay a lot. Target an ad to cryptocurrency? A little more. Target an ad to "fans of Cracked?" Best have deep pockets.