Going to beautiful Hollywood FL tomorrow. Never been. I'm actually going to be on the booth side of a conference. I've always felt sorry for the booth people. I walked to worked today to realize that I didn't bring my key. So instead of a 12 minute walk, I had a 36 minute walk to work. I am getting closer to completion of my first portrait. The next step is to really concentrate on the lighting details, the texture, and the blending. I enjoy portraiture, but I'll probably return to landscapes for a while. Landscapes are more forgiving, and until I develop more skills at painting people, landscapes are less restrictive. Even so, I imagine that painting one will improve my ability to paint the other.
Thanks, man. I am happy with it, but not totally satisfied. I want to get ridiculously good. Not just technique, but emotion and atmosphere. When I look at my paintings on their own, I am fairly pleased with were I am at. But, when I visit the museum, I am humbled. I want to get there. That's my goal.