Another friend - Greg - moved into hospice care on Monday, and is facing his final days. The cancer didn't respond to treatment, and there are no more options. I know because he sent me an email, telling me (and others) about his condition, and his imminent death. He's clear-headed, facing the end with open eyes, and a full heart, surrounded by his wife, his family, and his closest friends. So I wrote a "have a nice transition" email to my friend. And yes, it was just as weird as that sounds. I reminisced about the years we worked side-by-side on a wide variety of insane Burning Man projects, and Maker Faire, and art cars, and wild raves, and... and then I said goodbye to him. His wife and I are playing Words With Friends, as she sits with him in the hospice. And I am deep in the dreary winter doldrums. Not upset, or depressed, or whatever. Just... flat. My friend Greg is dying of cancer. It's rainy and drippy and wet outside. I have no big Projects to work on right now. My wife and I kinda pass each other in the hallways, share a kiss and a few words about how much we are looking forward to Spring, and then go on to wherever we were going and whatever we were doing. Becalmed in the vast ocean of life. Waiting for any breeze to move my sails...