I think it's a plan that made it all the way to "Steve Bannon this is batshit insane even for you" before being quickly buried. I wonder what else is lurking in the shadows.
This is the liability of handing over the controls to a bunch of mental midgets who can't even tie their own shoes. They have no idea how this shit works, and are just poking buttons to see what happens. Hope they don't find the big red button while flailing around like Arthur Dent in the Heart of Gold...
His 'Fake News' thing is getting a bit freaky. It's like his 'Crooked Hillary' line. He is talking past us, and directly to a subgroup. I kid you not when I say that I think his media survey is meant for discovery. 'Who agrees with the crazy shit I am saying? Great, give me your contact info.' Volunteers are what he's going to want next.
I freely agree that Steve Bannon would love to stock his Army of Darkness from like-minded Internet dweebs. But this isn't the way he'd do it. Remember - I'm on that list. Have been since November. He's preachin' to the choir already. And what he wants is adulation. He's already campaigning again. It's been four weeks. He's been on vacation twice, called a hasty press conference to riff and slag on the press, and is running off this weekend to surround himself with crazed, cheering sycophants. Have you seen this shit? Dude can't even get his wife to come to the office. Which happens to be down the hall from the bedroom. Which she doesn't sleep in. And if you can't even get Trophy Wife #3 to show up, is it worth it?