For me, this is different from a moral standpoint: being wrong isn't the same as saying something one knows to be untrue. Blurring those is societally dicey, and we've already seen why. When politicians are terrified of being lambasted for being wrong, the irony is that it makes them more likely to lie.
Sure. They'd rather lie and risk being caught in that (because everyone knows politicians lie) than be caught in a mistake. We allow politicians to use their opponents' mistakes as a bludgeon all the time, and for years.
Hm, I've never really thought about it that way. I guess there's a fine line between holding politicians accountable for their mistakes and lambasting them for those mistakes.Sure. They'd rather lie and risk being caught in that (because everyone knows politicians lie) than be caught in a mistake. We allow politicians to use their opponents' mistakes as a bludgeon all the time, and for years.