One thing we can agree upon is that there are a lot of Charlatans in the media. When a story on the day time news has to do with the latest cat video that's trending on the internet, we all lose. The news isn't there to serve you or I, they're there to make money by tricking us into believing we're being informed, and its important. I've boycotted TV news for many years, and I'm not going back anytime soon. I'll listen to NPR, but that's the only broadcast media that I can stand. Charlatans, yes, absolutely.
What I think is telling is that people on both sides "believe" in news organizations. That's been the great achievement in cable media, they have become something to "believe" in, people source identity from them. People have done this for years with political parties, religious affiliation, nationalism and sporting teams but now people do it with which cable news channel they watch. People feel the need to defend Fox or CNBC with the same type of vigor that they do their faith or their alma mater. It makes no sense. I don't believe in Beatles, I just believe in me