It's starting. I'm watching. I don't even know why. Things seem depressingly messy lately.
I wish Pubski was open.
There seems to be a LOT of meaningless flash-bang fireworks going off ... and no sign of Pence. What has that fucker been up to for the last 2 weeks? Where has he been? Who has he been meeting with? Gotta keep an eye on that sneaky little shit, too...
Probably jacking off in happiness followed by self-flagellating in shame repeatedly at the news that in fact the Russians do have personal and financial info with which they blackmailed Trump (and that Trump responded by cooperating with them--fake news!). Pence is off planning his own swearing in after Trump's swift impeachment.
isn't it likely that pence could be implicated in this mess too? i'm thinking we're looking at a speaker of the house ascension.
I find it doubtful. Pence has for the most part tried to keep his nose clean. If you'll remember sitting the VP debate he specifically acknowledged Russia as an adversary and Putin as a threat, and Trump rebuked him for it. From the beginning I've thought that Pence has only been in it for the possibility that he'll get to be President. He must know as well as anyone what a moron he's working for.
I'm sure he expected to be the man behind the curtain for sure. But I guess we'll have to see...
There's a lot being talked about. Hacking. Military spending and F-18s and F-35s. Trump separating himself from his company. Protecting American jobs. Replacing Obamacare. Building the wall and negotiating with Mexico over financing it. It'll be interesting to see the followup coverage on this.
Has anyone mentioned that we're shipping Turkey a few dozen of these things when they're ready? I mean, I know it's contractual, but... yeah.F-35s
on the Gamma Goat, most of which literally went from assembly line to surplus Selling Turkey F-35s is like selling Iran F-14s. It's a hole in the sky you throw spare parts into unless you want some extremely rakish lawn ornaments. I'm pretty sure the Russians are only going through the motions on the PAK FA to keep us spending eighty-eight gajillion dollars on the F-35. That's how Boeing tricked Airbus into building the A380.“The problems were so numerous that the Army changed its reliability yard-stick. Instead of requiring that the Goat go 10,000 miles without a major component failure, the new rules said it had to have a 94 percent chance of going 75 miles without breaking down. The first 4400 vehicles were delivered, but testers and operators reporting hundreds of deficiencies ranging from the complete absence of a rear driveshaft assembly to stripped gears and leaky brake cylinders. The 4400 Goats were put in storage, to be retrofitted later.”