Is that the lesson that's going to be learned? I was a fundie, and if there's one thing the fundies do really well, it's shift blame. It's not their fault that their pure, sinless daughter got pregnant, it's those damn liberals giving her the idea that she's allowed to make decisions on her own, this sinful world that made her trip and stumble from the path of the faithful. It's certainly not the fact that nobody ever sat the young woman down and explained to her 'If a boy shoots a load of sperm in you, you can get pregnant.'We're going to observe a country's worth of good, kind human beings discover, slowly and painfully and against their will, that their ideology is toxic.
I accept this as a fact. Not ALL Republicans are fundamentalists. I'm positing that the republican party, those who vote republican, is mostly composed of dogs, while various other species of mammal actually run the show.I am arguing that not all Republicans are fundamentalists.