this is one of my favorite videos ever thanks for posting it
That is spectacular. Fun aside: when I was in college, I had a bumper sticker (that I kept on my dorm room wall rather than my car) that said "My child is an honor student at the Ian Curtis school of dance." I'm really bummed that it got lost in a move.
This music is goddamn perfect. I love it. Deeply. Full Disclosure: I will always have a deep and abiding jealousy for cybergoth women. A head full of cyberlocks, gas mask, furry boots, ripped nylons, and a so-short-it-aint-even-there pleather skirt just speaks to some deep animal inner Me. Oh to be 23, fit, female, and have an open line of credit at Mac cosmetics...
Lol, I know what you mean (although perhaps from the opposite end).
That makes me happy. 'cuz I think the dancer is Fuckin' Rob.