You better be holding onto your butts kiddos cause it is gonna be a wild ride the rest of the year.
Gold spiked $60/ounce last night but is back down most of that.
I don't think he has the power, scaremongering aside. He's going to be a disinterested man in a room full of interested people trying to get what they want while the Mad King tweets about taco salads. His impulses are also... not Republican party line. He's a trade isolationist who, support for the Iraq War notwithstanding (which was in many ways tied to a business deal he had at the time) is driven purely by selfish self-interest. This is a man whose self-worth is driven by his retweets. Whatever nightmarish policies the Thuglicans choose to run up the ladder, they'll have to fit into the bread'n'circuses mode of a fake executive in chief. I would argue that the 1st most likely person who ran in 2016 to declare a debt jubilee is Bernie Sanders. The second, though, is Donald Trump. Not because he really cares about the working man, but because he doesn't understand the implications strongly enough to understand why you shouldn't do that and because if there's one thing he's famous for, it's not paying his bills. So whatever nightmares we have to deal with, we have to deal with them in that environment. And I think it's going to temper things.