flipping that works too: They are only doing this because they can't figure out how not to kill him.
Julian is on the ride but he can't beat the charge because they have no interest in giving him any kind of fair trial. They will only stop when he is discredited, imprisoned or dead. NO ONE who isn't a Ecuadorian citizen follows Ecuadorian politics like he does. If I were him I'd tell the world I was a pedophile who also kicked puppies and hope they might decide not to kill or jail me.
fyi: https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiLeaks/comments/58uff7/wikileaks_leak_early_leak_often_if_wikileaks_had/ Apparently random samples of the latest batches of emails can't be verified with the expected keys either. possibly RIP'd.
| NO ONE who isn't a Ecuadorian citizen follows Ecuadorian politics like he does. No doubt. It's weird though. At some point I was convinced this guy is an intelligence asset. Note for example no leaks ever about Israel or 9/11. It's like the debate last night. Surveillance society, Patriot Act, gross over reach of government, etc., not mentioned, not discussed. If the goal was to confuse the F out of everyone, they have succeeded.