- “The finding that stands out the most, our major result, is that the racial wage gaps were larger in 2015 than they were in 1979. That’s huge because the impression people have, in general, is we know there’s still racism in this country, but we think or at least believe that it’s getting better,” said Valerie Wilson, director of the EPI’s program on race, ethnicity and the economy and one of the report’s authors.
So this gap would not be explained by the widening income inequality between the .1% and the bottom 50%? I was going to say that because the top tenth of a percentage is not representative of the racial distribution of the population -- around 63% of Americans (link) are white, but that top echelon is probably way whiter -- but the article discusses wages and hourly pay, not gains from capital or rent. Damn. Why?One of the main reasons that income for black Americans is not increasing at the same rate as that of white Americans is the starting salaries of college graduates within each group. According to the EPI, black male college graduates “started the 1980s with less than 10% disadvantage relative to white male college graduates but by 2014 similarly educated new entrants were at a roughly 18% disadvantage”.
The political game has taken this topic - and has beaten it back into our heads, exaserbating the problem preceding this event. Racial inequality, historically speaking, dramatically influences political elections - but what could possibly be the root of all this talk? The slave ships didn't sail just for fun. this problem will never go away as long as there are types who live in the past. History has shown those types don't usually last long in the game of evolution. Civil rights are a real issue, but the topic is also equally a product of a power-grabbing war. When you find yourself in any blue-collar environment where the infastructure isn't under noticeable stress, there's one amiable trait that trumps all: A hard work ethic. I don't care what that work ethic is, if it is condusive towards sustenance, and the consumption rate is in balance with the production rate, you have a mutual relationship for yourself with whatever is motivating your action. I grew up in an area that didn't favor anything more than working hard to get what you want. In quite a multi-ethnic community. If we want to own up to our history of severe racial inequality, Where are all the high-profile media articles concerning Native American wages in the work force today?