I remember you talking about this! I say, do it! I'm currently contemplating a "Babe" in vintage t-shirt script on my right arm between my macaroni and my mandelbrot, (what m-term can I give "babe" to make it fit in??), and a giraffe in my cleavage, which I think is going to be hilarious.
Yeah, basically! I had been wanting a giraffe tattoo for a while, and originally going to place it on my left upper arm. But then I was thinking about sternum tattoos and how some of my favorite tattoos on other people have been sternums, and I was like "Hey! What a great spot for my giraffe!" and then my girl pointed out that it would mean my giraffe's head would be poking out of my shirts/cleavage, which we agreed would be hilarious, so I am pretty sure that is where it is going!