Sorry for the late reply, Whine and Wine was Thursday from 7PM, Soul Force was Wednesday 4PM. Actually, most of camp was 1 degree of separation from myself. I recruited others from NYC burner happy hours, others came from Que Viva! overflow, and the African singers were friends of Uncle Vern. We are developing an action plan to reach 25-30 person camp in 2017. Well, he genuinely couldn't understand why people of the African diaspora would want to retain their historical identity and culture developed in parallel to Western and "white" culture. He felt we should give up and just assimilate. DPW has kinda always had the "we're badass and hardcore" thing. Well, the population can't really increase anymore because of 447. Their workload doesn't really increase unless the city itself does. They're building the same things each year.
Congrats on the recruiting man. I think I'll stay at The Dump for a while, but if ever the opportunity arises to join POC, may I? What race was the Australian man? I recently watched an interview with trumpeter Christian Scott where he proposed an idea to create gun reform. He suggested that 10,000 black men in each major city rally together and sign up to carry guns. That'd light a fire under the scared white folk to create gun reform laws. Is using fear a morally correct tactic to create something necessary? I'm not sure, but it's certainly an idea. What's 447?
Hell yea! Just dont be a dick (Rule#2) White Guy Well, thats how gun legislation started in America. The Black Panthers would open carry and it scared the white people. Highway 447, the 2 lane highway we all use to get there.