I've never played. I like people who have a meta game.
“They are at the bottom of the barrel and are in complete denial about it,” said Brown. Loved the article and got a lot of laughs from it. Out of sheer bored over the summer I reinstalled League of Legends for shots and giggles. For better or worse I've started to actually invest time and money into it recently. As per norm, ranked in the lowest division after qualifying for competitive play. This quote among others is quite the accurate read on elo based games I've seen thus far. Nothing ground breaking but the analysis and perspective from rock bottom is damn funny in a self depreciating fashion.All the while, Brown says he came up against players who shared precisely two qualities: they were astonishingly bad, and—because they were playing competitive—they were astonishingly serious about it. They’d curse and spit and yell about that motherfucking Hanzo, even though they—not Hanzo—were the authors of their own demise (and ranking).
Oh absolutely. It's even easier to hide behind text (the main mode of communication)... I venture to think it's just another example of the cons of pseudo-anonymity on the web. I got into LoL because of friends. If you don't have friends to play with, then you're going to have a bad time guaranteed. The community is too toxic on its own. I don't even have to/want to go into why.... Anywho, if anyone here does pick up LoL (or again) feel free to lmk and I'll add you. Again, LoL's more of a game for friends in the end, imo. It's too easy to make it a bad experience on your own.
This is a message my buddy and I got playing Overwatch. Free play. As in, not competitive. https://twitter.com/eightbitsamurai/status/770781982536138752 So yeah, people take their competitive games really fuckin' seriously.
Overwatch is the only video game I have any real time for besides a few things that have been sitting on my system for awhile, but I enjoyed reading this article. It's funny how someone doing something as random as trying to get the lowest possible rank discovered so much about the game and the people that play the game.
I used to play CS: Source fairly regularly, although I was on pubs and no one cared. Well, that and I muted all voice chat, because I was on pubs. I've been watching a lot of SovietWomble lately, and I admit watching how much fun they have does make me kind of want to get back into something.
I would be game in theory, but I just picked up Hearts of Iron 4, so that'll be my main MP focus for the time being....
This is hilarious, oh my god. Does anyone want to start an Overwatchski group? I main support and tank heroes and the solo queue experience isn't quite great for me.