One of my best friends is a game developer, and I helped develop this game for the Ludum Dare 36 game jam. The theme was Ancient Technology, so we reimagined No Man's Sky for the Atari 2600. He did the developing in Unity and I spent some hours on all the visuals. I took some liberties, but who cares, it was fun to do.
Go find the alien bases and travel to the center of the universe!
Awesome! I've always wanted to get involved with this, and maybe once I learn to art better I'll be able to contribute. I always watch quill18's livestream of game development off and on throughout the applicable weekend, and it looks like so much fun.
Thanks. I mainly went for an Atari look: limited color palette, simple sprites and having every pixel stretched out horizontally. I knew I didn't have a lot of time, so I didn't fully incorporate limitations with scanlines and sprite types. Like ixnar said, it's not hard to notice the liberties I took.
As someone who codes for the 2600 as a hobby, I can't help but notice just from the screenshots that some liberties with graphical capabilities have been taken :] Funnily, me and some friends discussed the feasibility of just this idea yesterday. RAM would likely be the limiting factor