Unless you make the mistake of signing up for hot yoga, in which case it means breathing in the smell of people who don't wash their clothes enough while listening to Whitesnake for an hour.Sign up for a yoga class, and commit to doing it for 6 months. Sounds weird, I know. But you are young and fit. The best way to remain in shape, and in tune, is to do yoga regularly. It helps you keep flexible (and you have NO IDEA how important this is going to be later on in life!!!), it keeps a strong core, it helps you find physical and mental balance, it gives you some quiet time to be alone with yourself and your muscles and your body, and it mellows you out.
Mis-read that as Whitehouse at first and suddenly wanted to do yoga.
Invite 30 people to a rustic barn setting, they set up their mats and chit chat. Fit bodies and water bottles. Suddenly a pulsing and staccato kick drum blares from overhead. the doors behind them slam shut. A sweaty man lights a hay fire in the middle of the room. megaphone squaks unbearably He paces back forth, pushing up his dad glasses. "ASSUME THE LOTUS POSITION" "SERENITY IS A LIE. SERENITY IS A LIE. SERENITY IS A LIE HOLD FOR THE NEXT 30 SECONDS AND DONT FORGET TO CHOKE." "YOU IN THE THIRD ROW GET LOWER! THIS IS WHY YOU NEVER BECAME A DANCER!!"