cgod Oh and please correct me if I am wrong but judging from your profile, it appears you only have 42 comments? From the ones I read most are just small talk and banter. In only two weeks on Newsvine, I did 86 educational comments. Reddit over 100. You want to know why I quote the dictionary? You consider your contribution "original, valuable" and mine drivel!! ahaha Drivel is defined as silly nonsense. So let me get this straight. My writing is educational, debunks stereotypes and is cited with numerous sources and you call it drivel? Yet yours..... "Never seen this many accounts to upvote a spam post before. Hope it's not a sign of things to come." "cold brew chit chat" Your opinion: N=1. I think I will continue doing what I do. P.S I would love to hear how this article was pseudo-philosophy. I am sure the numerous pastors and PhD's that agree with me would love to hear your intellectual rebuttal. But please don't hurt yourself.