Pabs: Remember that creativity is the greatest skill one can have - the ability to take a take a bunch of disparate ingredients and turn them into soup. You're a creative person already, and the greatest benefit you will receive from a place like West Point is not just time to hone your creativity and make it situational, but also how to persevere through an environment that is not always open to new and creative thinking. In terms of scholarly advice: 1.) Say yes to as much as you can without totally overwhelming yourself. 2.)keep your study notes in the bathroom, or if communal, bring along as reading material. You're not doing anything else important with your consciousness when you're in there. 3.) find few, but high quality friends who will also help you succeed, and whom you can help succeed. 4.) go to your teacher's office hours, and do so with REAL questions. 5.) get to know the Janitors and Secretaries - these people are the keepers of the keys, and will open doors for you figuratively and sometimes literally. They are the sorts of people you DO NOT want to get on the bad side of, as well. I'm pulling for you - we're all in this together.