Hey, I do that self image thing too except I've always heard it as "unrealistic self appraisal ". Apparently it sometimes happens as a result of your emotional needs not really being met as a child, I could recommend some books on that if you think that might relate to you.
That's actually the term I typically use, and both that and the underlying lack of emotional needs being met are definitely on point in my case. I've skimmed through some of a book called Running on Empty, and there was a lot there that hit home. I've since bought it but haven't had a chance to delve too much into it yet. But yeah, any recommendations would be great!
I just finished that book ! It actually would have been the first book I recommended ! If you ever want to talk about it feel free to PM me, I devoured that book and already recommended it to so many people. I find that one covers a lot of different things and then from that you can kind of find a few more books that suit you. For me I need books on assertiveness, putting my needs first and communicating better. There's was a lot of great tips though that I've started trying out, I've faltered a bit but I'm getting there. Good luck :)
Excellent! And yes, I'd like that. I'll PM you when I have a moment to get my thoughts together.