Can you describe what it was like? I had all mine taken out at 17 and I'm really, really curious what it feels like to be in pain from your wisdom teeth impacting. Is it a throb, or an ache, or is it stabbing pain if you try to chew or talk, or what? Does the pain become a headache-y situation that overrides most of what you can think about for the day? TELL ME
For me, sharp throb, like a toothache but worse. Wasn't 24/7, but mostly (except when I took pain meds). And I don't think all four of mine were impacting. I avoided chewing on that half of my mouth for six months and had to relearn that I could chew normally afterward. In the end, it was all an insurance "misunderstanding" and I would have been covered from day 1... and I'm still bitter that they wouldn't renew my prescription without me paying for a $70 dental exam at the end of which they were just like hey your wisdom teeth are still impacting -- every time.