Or be a dick cleverly.
No, that's not even it. This is a heartfelt, intimate discussion about deeply held beliefs and feelings and there is absolutely no possible way forward when someone just steps right in and says "that's bullshit." It's stultifyingly bad manners and serves only to stop discussion cold. I've got plenty to share. I've got lots of stories. But you get a response like that and you not only think to yourself "fuck this website" you think "fuck everyone under 30" because if I have a choice between saying nothing at all or getting lambasted for volunteering my experiences, I'm gonna go watch Mad Men reruns.
I still disagree. It doesn't matter how silver your tongue - when you are speaking to silence discourse, the other party knows it. In fact, the more nimbly you do it the more likely they are to resent you because they feel powerless to defend themselves. If you want to have a conversation you have to make room for it. "You're wrong" is far less useful than "I disagree because." "I couldn't follow" beats the tar out of "you confused me." There once was a kid from Siberia Who lashed out at certain criteria He'd throw down the glove Then shout "I need love!" But it just made me exit the area Is clever. And real-time. I can be clever as fuck. But it's still just me, being a dick, shutting down conversation.
Who lashed out at certain criteria He'd throw down the glove Then shout "I need love!" But it just made me exit the area See, now you're talking. Not sure I appreciate being called a kid, though.There once was a kid from Siberia
I feel the urge to reply with a pretty clever pun.