Hi Hubski,
This looks like a very thoughtful community, so we'll see what happens. I want to "raise capital" for things but I don't have any real ideas in mind as of yet. That's where your input enters in. Clean slate; clear profits!
I have plenty of time on my hands, and I am also extremely new to this stuff. So I would like to begin a conversation here which provides good ideas concerning how to actually "raise capital" for whatever project one envisages.
How exactly to "raise capital" (whatever that means) is indeed the tricky part, and many people I've encountered actively struggle with this. It's work! But who here is truly working to "raise capital" for whatever projects they wish to accomplish?
This thread is here to discuss how to "raise capital" differently, by directly observing & opening up the actual mechanisms and "structural" factors by which one generates funds.
Observe this: what I am herein calling the conventional route to "raising capital" involves first off having that original idea about what one should do. Then, with that idea in mind, one is taught to "pitch" the idea to others (in an elevator speech, it is often imagined), etc.
OK, that's all well and good.
Moreover, this conventional route has been operationally "extended" or otherwise "enriched" through a number of crowdfunding procedures and platforms. One can now easily go ahead and "raise capital" for projects that way, if one wishes.
And yet, I submit that the form of it all has not really changed. What I mean by this is quite simply that nobody actually tells you how to come up with these ideas, in the first place.
Great. I am now wondering: What can I say that actually helps? Who here is actively trading in original ideas?
Others may suggest to you: "Write down ideas!" and indicate that that is somehow sufficient to being on your way, to "raising capital". Still others capitalize even on this very suggestion, by branding themselves in the presumption of knowing how to get along in entire "idea economies" such as ours, today.
That is the advertising, anyhow. So great.
Now, I have absolutely no problem raising capital by way of this conventional method. That's totally fine. At the same time, I do not really "see" myself as one of them, and so I am given to diverge a bit.
(I'm not inquiring about "short cuts" or "work arounds" to raising capital, by the way, but serious proposals alone.)
Yes, I have many ideas, and I write them down as well, but I am just not involved in saying marketing things. I have no real identity to cling to like that, and I haven't really made an attempt at making a brand of myself... all of which brings me around to this imagined scenario that I am asking about.
The real question is this: How can one work to "raise capital" without necessarily resorting to the conventional method? I'm told an idea is a thing you can use, but nobody seriously does this since they can't see any way outside of the conventional route.
There is only one game in town.
Often the popular suggestions revolve around: start a website, build a startup, offer value, make a product, etc. which isn't very creative, since they all presuppose that you have a true answer to "What should I do?" by having some real objective at-hand.
This is real objectivism, which arrives part and parcel with the conventional route.
I offer no answers to what one should do to raise capital. There are many possible ways to do it. For many people, "raising capital" is hard work. It's difficult. However, I've also found that the truth is that if one thinks about it, it can be kind of fun, as well.
So, Hubski, how should I go about doing that? What should I do? Are there any seriously "fun" means by which you know how to raise capital for whatever serious project one may envision? Who here is having fun doing the work of raising capital?
I appreciate your effort in thinking through things. If you have a good idea, I just might use it. Thanks a bunch, Hubski!