Dude. That's like all of Los Angeles. But yes - the fact that I can buy 3-day-old coffee for $7.99/lb takes some of the edge off of the beer situation.
Where the hell are you getting coffee for $7.99 a POUND? That must be nice. Even my go-to inexpensive online roast-to-order shop is ~$12-13 per pound, and anything out of SF/Santa Cruz/Portland is $18-22... Then again, that same place sells green beans for $5 and I roast them myself (ecib)
The flavored robusta crap next to the arabica tends to be oil-slick shiny. I used to think this was a coating difference but it sounds like it means that even up here in Hicksville North Seattle the whole bean buyers have better sense than to buy robusta. I have yet to buy coffee up here as bad as the best stuff I could get in LA.