Five days after my sinuplasty surgery. This spring break has consisted of being hopped up on oxycodine and doing fetch quests for a haunted toilet hand on a sky island. So yeah Skyward Sword is shit but it's the only one I didn't finish. Side note Im not going to be myself but wow I get why people get addicted to pain meds, even though I itch from it oxycodine has put me in my best mood in literal months and I've gotten better sleep now, with it and my nose cut open, than not at all. On that note a sinuplasty is when an ENT sticks a camera up your nose and goes "how the fuck have you even been breathing all this time, lol" and then puts some gloves on and knifes you. Apparently I had no air going through one nostril and barely any going through another. Once they take the splints and stitches out I might be completely devoid of sleep apnea. And if not, it'll still be way easier to not choke on my Cpap, because, you know, air will go through my nasel passages this time around. I just don't get why God had to make a bet with some angels and was just loke "hey guys lol let's make someone that just SHOULDN'T EXIST, ok so sleep apnea, some flat feet. Let's double back and block his nose just as a double measure. Did I hear asthma? Asthma it is. Make him grumpy. All the time. Also allergic to the outside world. Also Edit on behalf of all Muslims I'd like to apologize for the snow in Denver and assure you that this has nothing to do with Islam
I liked Skyward Sword... But then I spent hours running around catching butterflies in the forest at the beginning. I hope the sinuplasty helps your sleep!
Skyward Sword is a halfway-awesome game ruined by the fact that you get no goddamn damage gages on the bosses, and rather than come up with an interesting progression they just have you kill them and have them come back an arbitrary number of times. Since your'e hopped up on Oxy can I recommend Leela? it's like 6 bux on Amazon and is fuckin' awesome when you're blitzed.