so proud of Chicago and St.Louis protest people. You cant let this man just go on a nationwide tour of hate. It must be confronted directly.
I will say, there's a particular kind of schadenfreude to both major parties being forced to face the specters of past perceived slights against their bases in the same election cycle. I'm still waiting until after to primaries to see what comes of all this, but there is some seriously dirty laundry getting aired on all sides and part of me can't help but appreciate the country getting it out of its system while the stakes are still (relatively) low.
This explanation of brokered conventions involves Hungry Hungry Hippos: Silly season, indeed.
At that point, Germany had only existed for 50 years. About 10% of its population didn't even speak German as first langauge. That said, anyone who tries to kill Trump would be a far worse person than him, in my eyes. Especially if you consider that the underlying problems would not be fixed but rather exarcerbated by such an act.we have a far more diverse population
These rallies are going to get really interested because who knows what's going to happen? Anything can happen and that's a bit of a scary thought because someone might die.