Accusation of pedophilia, racism, antisemitism, homophobia are the modern tool to shut up people. It is bad rhetoric. It use fear, and emotion to get people to your side. Very bad and lazy rhetoric for the mass. 2 centuries ago we did the same with Witchcraft, Half a century ago the same with communism. If I hear anyone on the media talking about a suspicion of pedophilia, racism, homophobia, I assume it's a lie. Because if it's true, you prosecute them. If it's a suspicion you try silently (to not alert them) to get them prosecuted. If you need to be vocal, You are NOT protecting, kids, blacks, jews or homos. You probably have a hidden agenda, and/or participate in a smear campaign. If you suspect something illegal, go to your local police department and show them your proof. good luck.