So I was typing this out and I'm using the bus system at my school. In my absence I didn't get off where I was supposed to, so I get to take another ride around campus. In other news, I got this pretty cool idea for a novel, and I've been slowly getting my thoughts down on paper in regards to it. I'm going to a dance performance tonight. All in all I'm keeping my last semester at college pretty quiet and easy-going. I also noticed I do not gauge people's age well. Somewhere along the line I forgot I was getting older, and that wasn't the case for everyone else around me. When you are in highschool you interact with people that are mostly your age. I guess with my strict college schedule that kept that premise for the most part intact I am struggling to guess peoples age now with a more diverse course load. I was in class and someone who I thought was a senior as I was turned out to be a sophomore and it confused me a bit. I found it kind of weird that I hadn't really taken notice to how much time has actually passed.