I think this applies to both game development and the growing e-sports arena. We need to make sure this industry is built by sane, healthy people. That probably means letting them sleep and eat outside of work.
100% agree. A well-run Union is the greatest asset you can have on your side. Unfortunately they can become bloated and feel like the deserve more than they do - see the 2010 Sudbury USW strike, where they were trying to keep some strikers who assaulted other workers from being charged and fired. Vale almost broke the union (it has a 2 year strike length maximum, i think) because of stupid shit like that.
It turns out that if you convince people they practice a profession rather than a craft, they think unions are for other people. We're not lowly tradesmen after all! If programmers start organizing it'll be after the traditional professions realize they've lost their traditional autonomy and start organizing themselves.