- Core recommendations:
1) "Short term bump" Block size increase to maintain buffer. I've no
special BIP preference.
This avoids moral hazard and avoids a major Economic Change Event, as well
many other risks.
2) If block size stays at 1M, the Bitcoin Core developer team should sign a
collective note stating their desire to transition to a new economic
policy, that of "healthy fee market" and strongly urge users to examine
their fee policies, wallet software, transaction volumes and other possible
User impacting outcomes.
3) Even if can is kicked down the road, Fee Event will come eventually.
Direct research, testing and simulations into the economics and user impact
side of the equation. Research and experiment with pay-for-burst (pay to
future miner), flexcap and other solutions ASAP.
In short, not increasing max blocksize represents instituting a disruptive change, and not a continuation of the status quo.