❉ I wanted to send a story to someone. I had posted it on hubski at one point. It was so much easier to send the person the hubski link rather than looking for the file, converting it to pdf, attaching it to an email, and sending it.
So easy. The people also always enjoy reading the hubski comments.
❉ I wanted to send my trip report to someone. Same thing.
❉ I wanted to send a recent stateofthelil update to someone. Same thing. People LOVED the hubski comments.
So clearly I use hubski as a kind of personal journal. Seems to work for hubski. Works for me.
100s more reasons of course, but those were the really practical ones.
Too bad about the Canadian-US exchange rate.
I imagine that would bring the US dollar down to peso levels. What's the future of the Euro? Did it work brilliantly for them? Ask Germany. Is the German Euro propping up the Greek Euro? I don't know. Who on hubski knows about currency? Now if Canada went over to bitcoin...
No, mostly because they can't print more of it. Money is a political and psychological object. Bitcoin has good reason to be a proxy for value, but it would be a poor tool for exercising monetary policy. It matters to a country that they can influence the allocation of resources and effort, and control of their currency is one way to do that effectively. I do think that in time, nation states will decline in importance, and that the nature of currency will reflect that, but I don't think that the technology is in place to fill the vacuum. Hell, atm bitcoin can't even make more than seven transactions per second.
No. No typo. He'd lose his mind from excitement. Though maybe he'd lose his shirt too, if things went bad and he owned a lot of bitcoin stock on Cyber Wall Street. He'd probably look back in frustration, wondering why he didn't diversify his 8bit currency portfolio. "Dogecoin," he'd day. "I knew Dogecoin was the right answer the moment Reddit sponsored Josh Wise with Dogecoin. I was blinded by my own hubris. My wife is gonna kill me."
#hubskitelethon? That's pretty funny. Was that your tag thenewgreen?