But nope. Something just isn't right. Now I think google should start laying off products. While I used to love Google, I'm getting scared of all the information I have stored with them. I'm slowly moving away from things like calendar, google+, my contacts, etc. They obviously aren't following their "Do no evil" policy any longer, and I'm not going to wait until it's too late.
It said 'Recent photos'. After some digging, I found that it was a picture that I sent to my brother some time ago. Why was it popping up in another email? Why do they think I'd like a random assortment of images that I have previously sent to pop up on the right of my screen? WTF is that?
Scared the absolute fuck out of me the first couple times...especially since the images were NSFW.
Oh, nice... the 'recent photos' includes pics that other people have sent me too. Great, I could just email a bunch of cock pics around to my email list, and everyone can enjoy those little thumbnails for the next few weeks. Why do other people get to choose what pictures I see when I am using my email?
- Great, I could just email a bunch of cock pics...
Make sure you start with me