Just pedal through...
Cool. Bassists, like all musicians, can succumb to the tempting idea that more is more. Which is not always false but not always true. Maybe bass is a bit of a special case because it's about doing just enough to open a space for music, not filling that space. Also, pedal.
It takes a special kind of person to be a bass player. In my opinion, you have to be person who is happier to get the Oscar for "Best Supporting Actor" than for "Best Actor". You have to understand, natively, that your role is to be the support structure under which everything happens. When bassists change something, we change everything. we move mountains. With that great power comes great responsibility. Listen for the Basses at 0:54, and again at 1:45, and at 2:37, and at 4:54, the big change between variations at 12:50, basically the entire "Nimrod" variation... It keeps going, this piece is a pretty great example imo. Kim Deal gets it.