- When me lose control, when me have no doubt
Me have strategies, that can calm me down
Me can talk to self, me can stand up straight
Me can take deep breath, me can self-regulate!
The Game of Thrones books were the first books that made me think that being an author wasn't a loathsome profession. There's some real character development in there and a masterful control of plot. And hey - GRRM makes verbosity look good. Dude can make people sit through 1600 pages where 400 would do. And Arya Stark is one hell of a character. George RR Martin being George RR Martin, I actually talked to one of the producers on Game of Thrones to ask, yes or no, if he was going to turn Arya into, like, Hitler. I never got a response. So we decided maybe that wasn't a good idea, and her name was gonna be Mirabel, and then she came out with this ferocious frown on her face, and wee decided she was Arya.
TMI warning! I was told that the mother of my kinda stepson, was disabled. My partner wouldn't go into specifics, but I wouldn't want him to tell strangers what is wrong with me. He has been super mad at her, and told me all kinds of thing about her. Apparently, there is nothing physically wrong with her, but she still doesn't work, and sucks off other people. I was floored, and also really don't appreciate people who pretend to be disabled. Once I knew that it took minutes for me to peg her to all the symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder. Only thing I wasn't sure about was cutting. He confirmed that too. Borderline Personality makes you not able to handle anxiety and emotions. Sufferers often just loose it in outbursts, where they make bad decisions. It is much easier to recover from that, than my illness. The only difference is that I want to get better, and really try. She has people enabling her. She yells at people, until they meet her demands, as a career. She uses it as a crutch, and isn't trying to grow. She isn't in control of herself, but she gets to control everyone else. If she had people that talked her down, and assured her anxieties, she could make a full recovery. The way things are now no one is happy, unless they are all masochists. Children really shouldn't be in an equation like that. I really don't like the idea of her raising an autistic child, but we can't take them to court, without taking food out of the mouth of her other kid. This thought has really been upsetting me. Hopefully it's all over. Deep breaths. Time for homework.